
Wall Punch Boxing Training Bag

 Wall Punch Boxing Training Bag alisaleplus.comModel: Tieqiang type
Size: 20x20x10cm/30x30x10cm/40x40x10cm
Weight of 20x20x10cm: about 200g
Weight of 30x30x10cm: about 380g
Weight of 40x40x10cm: about 530g
to hang (paste) on the wall, exercise-inch fresh, straight blow with a simple, convenient and affordable.
Inch Jin, Tae Kwon Do to learn the necessary training, and hit the sense of excellent ergonomics and professional use of design optimization of the target surface, helps to get the best practice effect, the target body to fight Hit the surface durable. Wall target that is suitable for daily training, but also suitable for home use when training, Tae Kwon Do to learn essential personal appliances

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